Tuesday, 8 August 2017

How to fix cellphone network problem

How to fix cellphone network problem
When a cellphone or a smartphone has no network, you cannot directly tell what is the problem you gonna have to take your phone through couple of tests to find out what exactly is causing the phone to have no network connection. I a cellphone does not have network connection it means you will not be able to make phone call, to make a phone call you must have network connection on your phone. You will also be unable to use the internet connection unless you connect your device to the WiFi network.

A cellphone without network is almost useless. Today I'm gonna give you instruction on how to solve the network problem on all existing cellphone. But first before we start with the solution we have to examine the phone to see if its the phone that I having the problem or is the mobile network service provider. There are some areas where there is no network completely. Sometimes you will find that the network is down that day.

Now let's check the phone before we can start fixing it. Make sure your phone is charge. Now put in a Sim card and switch it on and confirm that it still does not have network. If it still doesn't, switch it off again and replace the sim card with another Sim card from another provider.eg: replace a Vodacom Sim with a MTN Sim. Do this if your phone is not locked on one provider. If it still says no network, then now we know that the problem is with the phone.

Now we must open the phone and identify the network ways. It is very simple to identify network ways. See the image below and you will be able to identify network ways for any phone that exists. Jump the phone the way it is shown below and your phone will work just fine. After jumping the lines, use a multi meter to check for continuity. Now put together the phone and switch it on with your Sim card and enjoy.

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